March 18, 2021

CAPA Executive Director Statement Regarding State Blueprint

The following statement is attributed to CAPA Executive Director Erin Guerrero to clarify that CAPA does not recommend prohibiting or limiting yelling or screaming on amusement park rides:

“California’s amusement parks are excited to reopen responsibly under the recently released state guidance for the amusement park industry. These guidelines do not require parks to prohibit screaming.

“When the state’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy was released in August, it identified a range of risk criteria for all industries to address, including: ‘Ability to limit activities that are known to cause increased spread (e.g. singing, shouting, heavy breathing; loud environs will cause people to raise voice).’

“The responsible reopening plan that CAPA released in September addressed that risk criteria as follows: ‘Face covering usage and/or modifications to seat loading patterns will be required on amusement park rides to mitigate the effects of shouting. Additionally, on rides, guests generally face in one direction.’

“CAPA has never suggested or recommended limiting shouting, yelling, or screaming on an amusement park ride.”CAPA’s Responsible Reopening plan can be viewed at: